Girls and muscle cars -could there be a better mix? Perhaps it could, but right now we are absolutely interested in seeing just how muscle cars can mesmerize girls. Playboy hottie April Rose is a girl who had her fair share of photo shooting sessions with muscle cars and she, naturally, developed quite a taste for them.
Last in the series of photo shooting sessions was the one with an awesome classic Ford Mustang. As ever, she’s got the heat for them, especially those from the Sixties. The 28-year old girl had more than enough time to develop a real love with awesome muscle cars, but she also had three jobs – MTV presenter, a gig with Maxim and Barrett-Jackson auctions presenter.
“I am really into first generation muscle cars. I am all about the American heavy metal muscle and I am really excited because we are shooting first generation Mustang,” she said during a short interview. You will fall in love with her when you find out that this Ford Mustang is her dream muscle car and that she would gladly go on a road trip with it down the Route 66 – that would be her dream road trip. Playboy is not about nudity anymore as you may have heard, however, April and her beloved Mustang are HOT. So much so that we do not actually need her to take her clothes off to make us excited.